Sunday, February 02, 2003

weekend and well not much knitting to speak of - was totally exhausted from last week and slept most of sat - didnt plan on it - was going to go in to the office around 1 pm - hopefully this is the last weekend officially in - instead finally got up around 430 when i turned on the radio and found out about the shuttle explosion.. yikes. watched cnn for awhile and then went to the office around 8 pm... worked awhile and tried setting up stuff on my laptop but it blew up and then i was stuck with no programs and the xp cd at home..argh. so i copied some patterns and left.

got home to find masterpiece theatre repeat of a silly patische called Me and Mrs Jones - watched it while knitting on the little aran sweater - managed to add an extra row in the pattern and had to rip out one and half pattern repeats .. double argh. not a good day all around although looking at robson green for two hours helped a little bit.

today has been spent fielding phone calls and requests from the weekend temp replacement and fixing the laptop - reinstalled xp pro and it seems to be behaving. of course then i had to reinstall every program - no data lost just program files needed to be reinstalled so that the registry would be updated... but instead of cleaning and washing clothes i spent the afternoon and now early evening performing computer maintenance... sigh..

ok so now i am going to do some hand wash and settle down to watch the first episode of Masterpiece Theatre's new series FOYLE'S WAR with Michael Kitchen as a detective in south coastal england during wwii - a reluctant one apparently - good cast and clip sees typical good brit fare... just perfect for some knitting and relaxing- as i bring my first real sunday at home in eight years to a close.

hope my books from Schoolhousepress are in on monday - dying to see the einstein coat and other items in sallys new book and of course, interweave knits is nowhere to be seen - as others are already talking about it on the knit u list... i seem to get my magazines later and later here in brooklyn.

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