Friday, February 07, 2003

snowy day in nyc

growing up in the south (louisiana) i dreamed of snowy days in the winter time - however the view as an adult who has to go to work during a heavy snow storm is another story - as i discovered this morning - a 50 minute commute stretched to two hours... but the snow looks pretty out the window.

well i dont actually have THAT view but my office building is one block from this walk - its very pretty now right? one thing i have learned is that after the pretty snow comes the slush. well there's a price to pay for beauty, i guess.

yesterday read thru the new Melville book at lunchtime - its really a grand book - very well put together with lots of good notes on techniques and tips and very clear photos and illustrations. have another list of projects to add to my future projects list. and am already thinking of some stash yarn for either the Einstein Coat or the Best Friend Jacket. i really love her inventiveness and the flexibility of the patterns. found a grand quote sally uses from Churchill = a new fav for me and sitting here on my desk to inspire me.

"Creativity is the ability
to move from one failure to another
with no loss of enthusiasm." --Churchill

last night i was pretty tired - but was able to start the larger size of the little aran pullover - decided to make the 18 month size since it goes so quickly can make a bigger one next year - got the bottom band done and then fell asleep on the couch - this morning in the rush to get the snow boots and wrap up to sludge thru the snow to the subway i forgot to get the larger needles i needed to change to for the sweater body - so i got on the subway and got my knitting out for what turned out to be a long commute and then realized . oh s$#t. well i needed to knit and so i just knit in the smaller size and i will rip it back tonight - that knitting this morning was more about mental calmness than anything else - as i HATE to be late due to transportation problems or weather stuff and get really anxious - if i am running late thats another story... ah well.

it was fairly busy today at work - you would have thought half the office would have stayed home with their children but the law marches forward. i am just now finishing up some things and will be heading out. ironically around 3 pm the storm ended and the snow came out for a couple of hours!! the inconstancy of the weather.

so time to head on out - this weekend lots of clean up to do in the apt - and maybe some knitting project organization - also want to research a digital camera so i can put some of my work on here. any suggestions are appreciated. i may go into the office sat afternoon for a little more catchup... will see.

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