nothing like a bronchial infection to slay you and make you feel CRUDDY. i shouldve know when i was crying thru out GOTTERDAMERUNG on saturday while listening on the radio. i usually cry when i am very tired or getting sick or right before that "time of the month" (still). and i couldnt eat anything - you know when nothing sounds good to eat except like yogurt and m&ms (wierd)
anyway, sunday i spent the day watching some of the news and other shows i have 'dvr-ed" - its my cable company's version of TIVO and then woke up monday with a fever and the desire to not move at all.
so that lasted thru tuesday - and today i dragged myself in to work - still not 100% more like 70%... but here i am 650 pm ... on my way out finally - it sometimes doesnt pay to be sick cause of the mess you find when you get back.
so tonight i am going to watch at least the first one of these great movies on TCM..
8:00pm Doctor Zhivago (1965) ***+ (PG13), CC, DVS
11:30pm The Bridge on the River Kwai.... **** (PG)
2:30am Lawrence of Arabia (1962) **** (PG), CC
i'm a sucker for Omar Sharif... sigh sigh.
anyway - FEAR NOT there is knitting content here. i was able to get a substantial number of inches done on the baby aran blanket for mr walter, my nephew - whose mom knows now since she read the blog! - and ripped out and added more inches to a baby blanket for a colleague - have to get that finished by friday oops - and started a baby sweater for another colleague - whose second boy was born on saturday. but that one can be by next week sometime.
the blanket is in Periwinkle Brown Sheep Lambs Pride (i love this yarn - bought on ebay). and is in the Cat's Paw shetland lace pattern from one of the Barbara Walker pattern books (two i think) with a garter stitch border - simple simple but looks really nice.
more about the sweater tomorrow - i need to get home....