Wednesday, January 29, 2003

i had a nice long post written out and then got a phone call so finished it and when i went to post and publish - ti was gone!!!! ugh

so a shorter version herewith
work on the cowl progressed last night - while watching the fantasy but fun show Gilmore Girls (luke the diner guy has some serious competition!) and then reality doses with the prez. thank goodness the camera pool showed the dems sitting thru many of the reps standing ovations. where is the money going to come from for all of those programs and the tax refunds? can you say deficit spending? yikes.

finished one ball and started another and got half way thru - cowl is reaching almost the ending length - and then need to decide what to do for the edge to make it the top (since the lace has a definite top to the pattern). have a hair appt (first in a year) today and needed to bring something not as bulky so am starting an EZ best baby sweater for a colleague's new baby boy (jan 1). from my stash (!) in Classic Elite inca alpaca , a pretty dark blue heather. need to choose a more manly pattern than the lacey ones i normally use but the beginning is the yoke in garter so i can find a pattern tonight.

its been snowing off and on all day since i was walking to the subway - as a southern gal i still marvel and delight at snow falling - hopefully with the cold spells of the last few weeks, the ground is solidly frozen and it will stay on for awhile - would love to walk around prospect park and get shots.

ok off to do some work before i have to leave -

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